The North-East elementary education
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Background to the development of elementary education in the North Eastern Region of India: The region, colonial policy, role of the missions in education, Elementary schooling facilities in the region: Primary section, growth of primary and upper primary schools, school buildings, ancillary facilities, furniture and mats for students, furniture for teachers, black boards, teachers, finance of elementary education 1975-76-1993-94, Female literacy and elementary education for girls: Literacy and the tribal dimension, inter-district disparity, a reflection of tribal groupings, inter-district disparities in literacy 1981 and 1991, state and district wise position of female literacy and enrolment of girls, district-wise percentage of girls to total enrolment in class I-V in 1986-87 in SC/ST categories, girls enrolment and dropouts from the elementary level, Decentralization of education: Power and functions of the district council, district council and state government, district council and their functioning, evolution of the role of local authorities in primary education in India, education under local bodies in the North East, Quality of lower primary schools in LADC in Mizoram: Academic inputs, teaching staff, inspection and supervision, curricular innovations, autonomy and infrastructural facilities, curricular innovations, pupil evaluation, teacher accountability, community participation, sharing of responsibility, Distribution of marginal workers and non-workers of Scheduled Tribes by the activity and level of education in percentage in Nagaland, Literacy, characteristics of elementary education, teachers' training, structure and administration of school education, financing of elementary education, Kohima district, quality of lower primary schools in North Eastern Region of India